13 Struggles Of Every Sleep Deprived Irish Parent

Read time: 2 Minutes

Everyone knows that having children impacts your sleep. In fact, it’s often one of the first comments that people will make when you announce your pregnancy: “Oh you better make the most of those lie ins while you can!”.

But then you actually have the baby and nothing, NOTHING, can prepare you for what the actual sleep deprivation feels like. You’ll feel rage at childless people who complain about feeling tired and in awe that parents don’t complain more.

As child induced sleep deprivation is something that every parent can identify with, we thought we’d put together a list of the most common struggles that tired mams and dads experience.

1. You consider sleeping in until 6.30am an absolute victory.

sleep deprivation

2. When you don’t have the kids, you still manage to wake up at the crack of dawn and then absolutely can’t get back to sleep.
cannot get back to sleep
3. You try to nap when your child naps, fail miserably and have an emotional breakdown because all you want to do is sleep.

sleep deprived parent
4. You can’t remember what it feels like to wake up to an actual alarm clock.

wake up to an actual alarm clock
5. You find yourself laughing hilariously at your own jokes, telling them to other people and then realising they’re not funny and you’re delirious.
laughing hilariously at your own jokes whent they're not funny
6. Walking into rooms and having no idea why you did it or what you’re doing.
no idea what I'm doing
7. Driving your car, getting to your destination and realising you have no clue how you got there.
8. Putting breastmilk in your coffee, soap on your toothbrush, coffee in your cereal bowl and cereal in your cup of coffee.
Putting breastmilk in your coffee
9. Sitting on the toilet for longer than necessary just to close your eyes for a second.
hiding in the bathroom
10. Looking forward to the evening when the kids go to bed then falling asleep three minutes into the movie you wanted to watch.
falling asleep
11. Looking for the baby and realising you’re holding the baby.
where is the baby?
12. Leaving the house with two odd shoes/pyjamas/dirty clothes on, realising when you get to where you’re going and not even caring.
Don't care what you're wearing
13. Realising you can not remember the last time you fed the dog/cat.
cannot remember the last time you fed the dog

What’s the strangest thing you’ve done as a sleep deprived parent? Let us know using the hashtag #MyIrishLife on social media. You can also leave a comment below.

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Author: Irish Life

Irish Life is one of Ireland’s leading financial services companies with over 1 million customers. For over 75 years, we’ve been helping people in Ireland look after their life insurance, pension and investment needs.

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