8 Great Home Remedies For A Sore Throat

Read time: 2 Minutes

With winter here, feeling a little bit under the weather is almost inevitable. For most of us a normal cold is easy to overcome with a few days of rest but during that time the symptoms can often drive you up the walls.

When you have a sore throat, it’s hard to think about anything else. The coughing, the pain and scratchy feeling are intolerable, making it difficult to even eat or sleep.

So if you’re struggling with a sore throat or trying to prevent the onset of one, here are some of the best home remedies around.

  1. Salt water

Mix a quarter of a teaspoon of salt into a cup of hot water and gargle it to neutralise acids, kill germs and get rid of that horrible burning sensation. Just remember not to swallow it.


  1. Lemon and water

Mix some lemon juice in water and gargle it or drink it. The acid in the lemon will help reduce the swollen tissue in your throat and kill the bacteria.

Best home remedies for sore throat - lemon and water

  1. Ginger, honey and lemon

This is one of the most powerful home remedies for cold and flu. Honey soothes the throat and has antibacterial properties too.

Ginger, honey and lemon

  1. Peppers and water

Hot sauce or peppers contain papsicum which fights inflammation and pain. Although it can burn a little, try gargle this solution to soothe your sore throat.

red peppers

  1. Turmeric and water

This is another great gargling solution. Turmeric is one of the most powerful spices, with many antioxidants and disease fighting properties. You can add ½ a teaspoon of turmeric and ½ a teaspoon of salt in the cup of water for a more effective remedy.

Turmeric and water

  1. Cloves

Try mixing ground or powdered cloves with some hot water to make a tea. Cloves have anti-inflammatory properties that can heal your throat.


  1. Green tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest things you can consume for disease fighting and building up your immune system. If you have a sore throat, drinking green tea will ease the pain and kill the bacteria that’s causing your sore throat.


  1. Apple cider vinegar

It’s not the most delicious treat but adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of salt to some hot water will give your throat an acidic coating that germs won’t be able to survive. If you simply can’t muster the courage to swallow it, gargling it a few times throughout the day will help.

Apple cider vinegar

What are your best remedies for a sore throat? Let us know by using the hashtag #MyIrishLife on social media

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Author: Irish Life

Irish Life is one of Ireland’s leading financial services companies with over 1 million customers. For over 75 years, we’ve been helping people in Ireland look after their life insurance, pension and investment needs.

One thought on “8 Great Home Remedies For A Sore Throat”

  1. The best home remedy I have found is to gargle with a small amount of Apple Cider Vinegar in half a cup of water a few times a day. I know it sounds awful but it really helps if you can get through it.


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